
Barbara Cleland


On September 16, 2018, Barbara Shaw Cleland, age 96, joined her mother, father and her beloved husband, Jerry. Jerry passed January 15,2008. She died peacefully in her own bed, as she said she would.


Barbara was born August 19, 1922, in Stockton, California. Her parents were Alice and Emmons Shaw. She graduated from Stockton High School in 1940. She attended Humphrey’s Business College. She went to work for Bank of America for 6 years until she met and married Ray Allen who was in the Navy on R&R. After a short courtship they married and move to Detroit, Michigan where daughter, Sandra was born.   After 15 months of a bad marriage, Barbara returned home with 6 month old daughter Sandra.


One hot Sunday evening, she was sitting on the porch of her parents’ home when 2 young men walked by and then stopped. One was the neighbor and his friend was Jerry. They talked and got reacquainted. Jerry was a baseball player, playing for the New Frog Inn. He invited Barbara to a game. Well, the rest is history. They were married 2 years later. As life progressed the family was transferred, with PG&E, to Sonora, California. On September 16, 1956 son, Ron was born. A complete and happy family. The family was transferred back to Stockton and spent a happy life on Swain Road, raising their son and daughter. Barbara worked for Stockton Unified as a School Secretary for 17 years.


The Cleland’s had done a lot of world traveling but upon Jerry’s retirement and they planned more. Barbara’s bout with breast cancer slowed them down for a while, but with the cancer in remission, they were off and running. Traveling wherever and whenever they got itchy feet.

Barbara started volunteering for the American Cancer Society after her bout with breast cancer. Her reason was that she wanted to give something back, because the society was so good to her. That’s when it all started!!


When they moved to Brookings, Oregon after retirement and traveling the world. Barbara wanted to volunteer so she went to the Chamber of Commerce and asked. She was told “Honey the town is run by volunteers”. She became a volunteer at the Chamber of Commerce for the next 16 years. She was chairman of the Chamber Ambassadors and Chairman of the Representatives. This volunteer work is what earned her recognition as the Chambers’” Volunteer of the Year” for 2006.


Barbara was chairman of the Receptionists of the Chetco Senior Center (Activity Center Now) and served as Senior Center President for 2 years. Was a Board member for 5 years. During this time she was head of the Curry Transit Dispatchers and Charter Service for 9 years.


After leaving these jobs, Barbara became involved as a member of the Board for Oasis House, in Gold Beach, Oregon.


Among the awards Barbara received were- “Citizen of the Month” for Brookings Harbor Community, “2006 Volunteer of the Year” for Chamber of Commerce. The “Legion of Honor Award” from the Marine Corp League- Making a difference for woman Soroptimist.


Barbara always found time for her beloved husband Jerry and her son, Ron, his wife Karlene and family. Every summer the 2 grandchildren, Megan and her brother Casey spent part of their vacation in Brookings. Lots of fun and lots of day trips. The other grandson, Eric, spent time in Bookings also.


There are 4 great grandchildren now. Eric’s girls, Hailey and Madison. Eric’s wife is Charissa. She loved them all so much. Megan and her husband, Tony, have 2 boys, Wyatt and Ryan.


Barbara loved life!! Ask her she would tell you! She served for her children and anyone else who asked. She loved to cook and make cookies for the grandkids. The family invites you to share in the Celebration of her life on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at the First United Methodist Church, 200 West Oak St, in Lodi, California at 11:00 AM. A reception will follow the ceremony. In leu of flowers, donations can be made to the First United Methodist Church, 200 west Oak St., Lodi, CA 95240, or the American Cancer Society.


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